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Error and timeout handling

The majority of Steps provide the option to continue the Flow execution in case an error occurs in that Step. Some Steps allow to handle timeout separately from error. To prevent the Flow from stopping its execution, you can select either of these options:

Error exit

Steps that allow error handling have the Handle error toggle enabled by default. When turned on, the Step adds an error exit. The Flow proceeds down this exit if any error occurs during the Step execution.

If the Handle error toggle is disabled, the Step does not handle errors. When any error occurs during the Step execution, the Flow looks for the Handle Flow Error Step in the logic above the current Step. If that Step is not found, the Flow fails immediately after exceeding the Flow timeout.

Timeout exit

Steps that wait for an end user or an API response may allow handling the timeout error separately from other errors.

If the Handle timeout separately from error toggle is on, the Step adds a timeout exit. The Flow proceeds through this exit in the following cases:

  • The API returns a timeout error
  • The Step does not receive a response in the period defined in the Timeout field

To handle the timeout errors like any other error, turn off the respective toggle.

Timeout handling

Handle Flow Error Step

You can use the Handle Flow Error Step to reduce the amount of error and timeout exits that require processing.

To set up this Step, do the following:

  1. Place the Handle Flow Error Step after the gateway Step but before the main Flow logic.
  2. Add the main Flow logic on its next exit.
  3. Add the timeout handling Flow logic on its timeout exit.
  4. Add the error handling Flow logic on its error exit.
  5. Turn off the Handle error toggle in the Steps whose errors should be processed by this Step. New Steps added to any exit of this Step should have the option set as off by default.

If an error occurs in a Step with the disabled error handling during an execution, the Flow proceeds down the respective exit of the Handle Flow Error Step.


If you need to handle errors in a selected Step separately from the Handle Flow Error Step, turn on the Handle error toggle in that Step.

The Handle Flow Error Step's Merge field contains data on the error instance and the Flow/Step that produced the error.

The Handle Flow Error Step processes any errors in the Flow as many times as is allowed in the Loop handling setting. Once the limit is reached, the Step stops handling any further errors. The Flow stops in the Step where the error happened.

Error handling