Activate/deactivate Flows
Activate the Flow so that it can start executing your business logic. Make sure you have correctly configured all Steps before activating the Flow. Steps containing errors are marked in red.
If you are in View mode, click Activate to activate your Flow. If you are in Edit mode and there have been changes to your Flow, click the expander arrow next to the Save Flow button and then click Save & Activate. If you are in Edit mode and your Flow hasn't sustained any changes, click the expander arrow next to the inactive Save Flow button and then click Activate.
To deactivate/turn off your Flow, open the General tab in the Configuration panel and click Deactivate. To do so, you need to be in View mode. To deactivate all Flows within the current Bot, go to Actions in the General tab and click Deactivate all flows. On doing so, all hidden Flows will become visible, displaying the deactivation process.
When you deactivate your Flow, it stops responding. The users, who were in the middle of a conversation, won't be able to use your Flow anymore. If you deactivate all Flows within the Bot and decide to activate them later, you will have to activate each Flow manually.
Permission level restrictions apply. If your permission level is User, you can delete/deactivate only those Flows created with the User permission level. All other Flows will remain active.
You will receive a notification for both successful/unsuccessful activation/deactivation.