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Set Anchor v1.0.0 Help

Creates an anchor and sets it to any Step or anchor.

How can I use the Step?

You can use the Step to add flexibility to a Flow processing. Combined with the "Go to Step or Anchor" Step, it lets you iterate with different values, switch to another branch, or move to a specific location.

How does the Step work?

The Step creates an anchor and sets it to the specific target based on provided settings. The system registers anchors during the Flow activation and displays them as warning messages in the logs.

Anchor settings

To create an anchor and set it to a specific target, follow these steps:

  1. For Anchor name, enter the anchor name. It can only include letters, numbers, $, or _ characters and cannot start with a number. Any names with white spaces will be trimmed to camel case. If the anchor name begins with a number, the number will be replaced with $.
  2. For Target, select one of the following options:
    • Selected Step: Allows to pick the target from the list of Steps.
    • Current Step: Sets the target to the current Step.
    • Anchor name: Allows to set the target anchor using its name. The input is case-sensitive. It can only include letters, numbers, $, or _ characters and cannot start with a number.
    • Previous anchor: Sets the target to the previous anchor in the same branch.
  3. Specify target Step or anchor - the input option depends on the selected target.

Note: Anchors are registered during Flow activation, but Merge field-based anchors are set up during Step execution. To avoid errors or unexpected behavior, create the Merge field value you intend to use as the anchor name before reaching the anchor Step and pass Flow through the anchor Step before redirecting to the anchor.


After the Step completes, it generates a report that includes its execution status and other details. You can customize the report by adjusting the Step's log level and adding tags.

Log level

By default, the Step's log level matches that of the Flow. You can change the Step's log level by selecting an appropriate option from the Log level dropdown.


Tags provide a way to classify and search for sessions based on their attributes. To create a new tag, specify its category, label, and value. You can then use tags to filter and group the sessions in the report.

Service dependencies

  • flow builder v3.42.0
  • event-manager v2.0.1
  • deployer v2.18.0

Release notes


  • Initial release