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Get Tables List (Tables) v1.0.0 Help

Gets a list of tables from a user account.

How can I use the Step?

You can use this Step to get a list of tables from the Tables service associated with your account. If you have sufficient permission, you can do the same for any OneReach account.


To access another Onereach account, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Your account and Flow have the Super Admin permission level.
  • You have an account ID or authentication token related to the OneReach account you want to access.

Note: You can change a Flow permission level under the GENERAL > Deployment settings > Flow permissions level.

Cross-account settings

The settings in this section let you get a list of tables from the Tables service for any Onereach account you have permission to access.

To set up the section, take these steps:

  1. Enable the Use custom authentication token toggle.
  2. Choose one of the following access types:
    • Authentication token
    • Account ID
  3. Enter the token or account ID (depending on the chosen access type).

Merge field settings

The Step returns the result as an array and stores it under the Merge field variable (see the Output example).

Merge field has two main settings: name and type. By default, the system generates the Merge field name from the Step name and sets the Merge field type to Session.

To change the default Merge field settings, disable the Generate merge field name from step label toggle and follow these steps:

  1. For Merge field name, enter the variable name in a code-friendly format (do not use spaces, periods, or special characters). We recommend using camelCase here.
  2. From Merge field type, select the appropriate variable type.
  3. Optional: From Merge field expiration time, select the lifespan of the variable (defaults to 1 day). This parameter is available only for Shared and Global variable types.

Merge field type

The following table describes Merge field types:

ThreadThe variable is available only for the current Thread inside the Flow and exists only in the Thread execution context.
SessionThe variable is available only for the current Flow and exists only in the Flow execution context.
SharedThe variable is available for all Flows within the Flow chain, including Subflows. The expiration time of the variable is from 1 minute to 30 days.
GlobalThe variable is available for all Flows inside the current bot. The expiration time of the variable is from 1 minute to 30 days.

Note: To access Shared and Global variables, you must execute Flow at least once. Only then do these variable types become available from other Flows.

Output example

The output array contains table names for a specific OneReach account. For example:

["table_one", "table_two", "table_three"]
["table_one", "table_two", "table_three"]

Error Handling

By default, the Step handles errors using a separate exit. So if any error (required field is empty, invalid input, etc.) occurs during the Step execution, the Flow proceeds down the error exit.

If you want to process errors with other Step responses using the next exit, disable the Handle error toggle.

Handle timeout errors separately

If you want to handle timeout errors separately from other errors, do the following:

  1. Enable the Handle timeout errors separately toggle.
  2. Optional: In the Timeout duration field, provide the timeout value in a string format. The default timeout value is 30sec. A suitable timeout range is 1 second to 5 minutes. Examples of acceptable time formats are 3m 12s and 192sec.

If there is no response after the timeout expires, the Step raises the timeout error, and the Flow proceeds down the timeout exit.


The Step reports once after its execution. You can change the Step log level and add new tags in the section.

Log level

The default Step log level is WARN (inherits from the Flow log level). Select the appropriate option from the Log level list to change it.


Tags help organize and filter session information when generating reports. When adding a new tag, you can specify the tag category, label, and value.

Services dependencies

  • flow builder v2.51.0
  • tables API v2.3.1

Release notes


  • Initial release